The time of year is here when weather conditions may cause schools and businesses to close. It is the goal of the CSD to remain open and hold meetings as scheduled. However, if conditions warrant closing, then management will attempt to contact the news media by either 6 a.m. or 4 p.m. if meetings must be canceled.

In addition to notifying the media of a decision to close the CSD, the following steps are taken to notify the community:

Closing announcements may be obtained by calling 214.265.7192
or checking our website. THANK YOU FOR YOUR UNDERSTANDING


  • Fighting, striking another person, whether provoked or not
  • Sexual advances, solicitations, harassment, verbal, physical, or visual conduct of a sexual nature.
  • Verbal Harassment: verbal threats, intimidation, or degrading statements
  • Possession of any weapon
  • Loitering or trespassing. Lounging on CSD furniture between meetings and/or loitering in rooms earlier than ½ hour before meetings
  • Possession of drugs or alcohol
  • Not wearing shoes or a shirt
  • Panhandling (asking for money or handouts)
  • Soliciting business of any kind
  • Smoking in the building

Profanity: While not specifically prohibiting the use of profanity, the TSM asks that guests be considerate of others who may be uncomfortable with the excessive use of profanity/vulgarity.

The TSM Management and Board of Directors reserve the right to remove persons whose behavior is deemed disruptive to the general health, safety, sobriety and welfare of CSD guests. Additionally, the CSD has a strong relationship with the Dallas Police Department and will enforce trespass laws for persons not complying with this Code of Conduct and No Harassment Policy. Further, the police should be called immediately if there is an imminent threat to life, health or property.

COMPLAINTS: If you have a formal complaint to file against any individual, who appears to be violating the Code of Conduct and No Harassment Policy, your complaint must be submitted in writing on a timely basis to TSM management. The Board of Directors will investigate and rule on complaints. Violations of this code will result in actions ranging from verbal warning to being permanently barred from the CSD (and criminal prosecution when appropriate) depending on the frequency and/or severity of the behavior. Following full and complete investigation and review decisions of the Board of Directors are final.

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